An open event will be held on Saturday 22nd February 2025 from 10.30 am - 12.30 pm in the restaurant at the Old Mill Hotel, Town Path, West Harnham, Salisbury SP2 8EU. Refreshments available.
An opportunity to receive latest updates, discuss plans, put forward your ideas and sign up to future volunteering opportunities.
A similar event will be held in Lower Bemerton at St Johns Place on Saturday 22nd March 2025.
For more information, or to get in touch with the team visit We look forward to seeing you there!
We were delighted to hear that a start has already been made on making the footpath from Harnham to Lower Bemerton more accessible.
Our friends in the Environment Agency, which is responsible for the flood defenses in Harnham, have improved the surface of the small path leading to the Broken Bridges footpath. A final surface will go on shortly, making it accessible to wheelchairs, mobility scooters and pushchairs.
Check out the Gallery for before and after photos!
Meantime the sale of the land to is now under negotiation and we hope to be able to report on completion early in the new year.
A big thank you to all those who have supported the project this year and we wish you a very happy Christmas.
On Monday November 4th Salisbury City Council at its Full Council meeting awarded £50,000 to the Broken Bridges Nature Reserve.
The money will be spent on the purchase, as a community asset, 35 acres of natural habitat on the water meadows that surround the Right of Way footpath between Harnham, Lower Bemerton and the Churchfields Estate.
Cllr Jeremy Nettle, Chair of the Broken Bridges Community Interest Company, said: “What the City Councillors have done this evening in agreeing to a donation of £50,000 from their Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) fund, is to allow us to unlock funding from Wiltshire Council and add this to over £80,000 of public donations, enabling us to secure this fantastic natural resource for this and future generations.”
“The city’s donation comes from a much larger contribution to community infrastructure by developers of the new housing estates along Netherhampton Road. This funding, known as CIL, cannot be spent on day-to-day running costs of the council so does not impact service levels or council tax.”
“This is a tremendous step forward and we wish to thank both the Council and all the people and groups in the community that have made donations: this is a huge demonstration of the public support for bringing this much-loved area into community ownership. It is a Green lung giving people access to nature whilst working to improve the much needed access between Churchfields, the Railway Station and the new housing developments on Netherhampton Road.”
“Once the land has been formerly acquired, the work begins in implementing our plans (raising the funds through grants) needed to improve the path, replace fencing and restore the biodiversity lost in recent years.
"But for now, we just want to say huge thank you to everyone who has supported us!”
Visit the Downloads page to see the presentation material to the November Salisbury City Council meeting for funding support for the project.
A special thanks to Spencer Mulholland for the new drone footage in the Gallery and photo of members of the Broken Bridges team!
At the full Salisbury City Council meeting on Monday 4th November 6.30 pm at the Guildhall, the Broken Bridges Nature Reserve (CIC) Directors will be giving a presentation in the hope of securing Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) developer funding.
This funding would be key to securing the total to purchase the land within Broken Bridges, so an important meeting! If you can attend in person this will help demonstrate the strength of community support for the project. There may be an opportunity to speak for those who wish to verbally express their support in the meeting also.
Alternatively, you may wish to indicate your support directly to the Council Chief Executive in advance, Asa Thorpe, at
If you have any questions, please contact our chair, Jeremy Nettle at
Thank you for all your continued support towards our goal of fundraising to create Broken Bridges Nature Reserve. There has been real progress over the summer on the work to secure the 34 acres of land between Lower Bemerton and Harnham for community ownership.
The team has been busy with funding efforts, with a new major donor pledge secured along with continued individual donations moving us towards our goal! We're also awaiting news of a community funding application in November, so will keep you updated on progress.
We have now completed registration as a Community Interest Company (CIC) which means that once purchased, there will be an asset lock on the land. The new CIC has agreed a purchase price with the owner and – most importantly – is within sight of raising the money needed. Once in community ownership the group aims to work on ambitious plans to restore biodiversity, re-introduce grazing and enhance the footpath to provide access for all, whilst maintaining its rural character.
An update from our chairman, Jeremy Nettle. "With a good wind, we are almost there! We just need a last push from all the people in the City who want to see this wonderful project happen.”
All donations big or small continue to help. Please see our Donate section for how to donate. We are also looking for a sympathetic solicitor who will support us through the legalities of purchase. See the update below, Help Wanted!
Thank you once again for your ongoing support. If you have any questions please see our FAQ section, or Contact to get in touch with the team.
As funding efforts continue, the team has been engaged with the sale agents and at this point we are needing your help! If you are a solicitor with the relevant expertise, or know of someone, and would be happy to volunteer time to help the project in this next phase (pro bono), please get in touch with our chairman, Jeremy Nettle at
Interested in learning more of the diverse nature within the Broken Bridges area? Browse our new botanical survey and annual birds’ surveys to see the collection of species found in our local area. Go to our Wildlife section on the website for more details.
An update from the Broken Bridges Nature Reserve Team.
We have now reached over £106,000 from donations and pledges from our GoFundMe campaign, from over 120 individual donors, so along with previous campaign funding efforts, we are nearly halfway there to our goal!
We are extremely grateful for the generosity of our supporters. Thank you to all those who have donated or pledged support - every donation makes a big difference, including demonstrating to the organisations we are seeking additional funding, the level of local community support.
Some funding updates from the team...
In addition to our GoFundMe campaign, a recent presentation to the Salisbury City Council Environment and Climate Committee resulted in a unanimous recommendation that Broken Bridges Nature Reserve be awarded £50,000 from the Section 106 monies available to the City Council. We are expecting this recommendation to be considered by the full Council at its meeting in November.
While the general election has delayed things, our expression of interest to the central government Community Ownership Fund was approved - we now have to submit a full business case to support a funding application.
Following an online meeting with the Heritage Lottery Fund, where they expressed their enthusiasm for our project, we are through the first-round bidding for funds to undertake the work we need to do once we own the land, and to develop our ideas for community activities with local people and schools.
We are working on several smaller bids from other grant bodies as well!
Finally, a message from Jeremy Nettle, our Chair. “We are delighted with the response from local residents, and that we are well on our way to achieving our goal. So, a great big thank you to everyone who has donated! May I ask those that use social media to post and promote the link to our website and tell others in book clubs, coffee groups etc. - this will help broaden our reach.”
Thank you once again for all your support - you can always find out more on our website, including how to help, or get in touch with the team.
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