No BBNR is not a charity: it is a not-for-profit registered Company and has registered as a Community Interest Company (CIC) so it is working towards the goal of eventually becoming a charity. Meantime the CIC means that there is an Asset Lock on anything we own, ensuring the public interest is protected.
Sadly BBNR is not currently a charity and it is only registered charities that HMRC permit Gift Aid.
We are optimistic that we will reach our target, but if for whatever reason we fail to acquire the land as we initially planned, we will do everything we can to work with any future landowner to achieve better public access and protection for the wildlife of this much-loved natural area. We will use funds for this purpose and publicise our proposals. At that point donors will be able to contact us for a refund if they so wish.
In the famous phrase every little helps! However, when applying for Grants BBNR is required to demonstrate that local residents are sufficiently interested in preserving this land so local donations are really important! Local donations also help us to demonstrate match funding.
Broken Bridges Nature Reserve Ltd Community Interest Company will own the land on behalf of the Community, with an Asset Lock as explained in FAQ number 1 .
There are many ways you can get involved from donations/pledges to fund raising! At this time, we are focussed on acquiring the land so if you have legal, land management, marketing expertise or connections to organisations that give grants we would love to hear from you. Later we will be looking for volunteers in all sorts of roles.
BBNR would own the land over which the path passes but the right of way is owned by Wiltshire Council. Our aim is to improve the path to enable access for wheelchair users and buggies, whilst protecting the rural nature of the path. After that Wiltshire Council would take on on-going maintenance.
The 6 month ACV (Asset of Community Value) order expires at the end of July 2024. BBNR will be meeting the Agent before then to discuss our fund raising plans and hope to be able to make an offer. The ACV status remains in force on the Land Registry indefinitely after the end of July 2024. However, the Agent is then legally permitted to sell the land to a buyer other than BBNR.
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